"The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body."


How did you come up with this concept?

In my twenty years of working with clients in Holistic Health and Vibrational Medicine, I find that those who had the most success were those who applied themselves to the process.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of the healers and mentors, I was so lucky to have met in my life.  We are all unique and so is our journey. The process of finding the right healer or practitioner can be challenging and expensive. I certainly understand it all too well. I wanted to find a way to make this process easy, affordable and accessible for people.

Like a good book or a recipe, we like to share what we love and what works. I created the Vibrational Medicine Center of NE, to refer clients to other practitioners for their specific needs and to bring together practitioners whose work I really valued and admired. This allowed us to bridge services to help more people and work collaboratively.

As my practice grew beyond New England, and so did my network of practitioners, the concept of the Vibrational Medicine Network came about as a way to help more people begin their healing journey.

  • The Vibrational Medicine Network offers a place where one could have access to these individuals, a highly vetted and curated network of highly qualified professionals in the field of Energy Medicine.
  • The subscription program allows our clients the flexibility and convenience of connecting with top professionals, and makes it affordable to receive healing, education and tools they need to facilitate their own healing.

As a Medical Intuitive, I see how energy can create unintended blocks in our body. 

We may not be aware that we pick up and carry the energy of others in our biofield. How an old childhood trauma can block the healing process in our body, creating behavior, perceptions, and self-limiting beliefs. Physical symptoms are the combination of toxins we accumulate in our body and are the response to the perception of our environment.  As that perception changes so does the body.

“Just like a single cell, the character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by our responses to the environmental signals that propel life. The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body."


Once you understand how energy works in the body, you will see how important it is to clear our energy body on a regular basis.

This is a daily ritual in many cultures and something I do first as I start and end my day and with clients before any session. I see the difference it makes in their life and healing progress.

Many asked me to clear their energy field in between sessions. This opened a whole new way of healing and I realized that I was able to clear energy remotely just as well as in person, and for groups of many simultaneously.  After seeing the results, I knew this needed to be a weekly event for my clients and others.

Taking it a step further, I realized that not only could I clear the energy blockages of the group remotely, but I could also sense which area of the body needed healing collectively. With the use of tuning forks and homeopathic color and sound therapy I am able to focus on specific area of the body in the group that needs healing and balance it remotely. Following the healing event, we are designing a Chi Gong routine video for the area addressed on the call for daily self-practice along with Feng Shui tools to balance the energy in the home.

We are all energy beings, given one body, and we need to take care of it in many ways.

Alongside a healthy lifestyle and diet, participating in our own energy healing connects us to our soul, raises our vibration and consciousness. I am so fortunate to have found an amazing team of likeminded people who share my passion in helping empowering others to be their own healer. This is just a beginning, we have so many ideas. It really is amazing to see it all come together.

To change the world, we can start with ourselves. If we are not happy with where we are, simply raising our vibration and focusing inward, allows us to shift the energy not only in ourselves, but of those around us, our home, our community. When we shift our perception, we shift our perception of the world. From that we change the world. One person at a time.

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